Power your musicianship

Your all-in-one music practice companion.

Play your favorite songs

Your subscription includes access to music from pop stars, musicals, video games, and your favorite movies.

Popular method books and solo titles available in our music catalog.

Master your technique

Access hundreds of reliable method books, play ensemble arrangements with accompaniment, and discover solos for your instrument.

Practice with real-time feedback

Practice smarter with real-time assessment as you play. Improve your playing even if you don’t have a teacher to guide you.

Interface of assessment showing live feedback with red and green notes to mark accuracy.

In-app display of video tutorials from trusted sources like MusicProfessor.

Learn the basics

Not sure how to start playing your instrument? MusicProfessor video lessons will show you everything you need to know from how to hold your instrument to playing your first piece.

Make sight reading practice fun and engaging

Create templates specific to your needs so you can practice fresh sight reading exercises anytime.

In-app display of user interface showing sight reading tool and customizable generation controls.

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