Power Up! The Foundations of Music Literacy, Part 1

Foundations of Music Literacy

Alicia DeSoto & Chris Meredith are currently band directors at Lewisville High School in Lewisville ISD, TX. 

Literacy: the ability to read and write
Music Literacy: the ability to read, write, and play music

What can we do as music educators to develop music literacy in our classrooms, with the same level of detail and care that elementary school teachers pour into their young readers and writers?

Power Up! The LAWS of Tone and Dynamics

LAWS of Tone and Dynamics

Musicians are multitaskers. Our brains, fingers, and bodies do so many things all at once to perform our instruments. When approaching practice, I encourage students to break things down into small OMGs–Obtainable Musical Goals–rather than attacking everything at once.

Music for the Holidays

Music for the Holidays

We don’t need to remind you that December performances are right around the corner—your opportunity to spread holiday cheer while showcasing the skills your students have been working on this semester.