The holiday season is a busy time for music teachers, filled with performances, celebrations, and altered schedules. To help keep your students engaged and inspired before the holiday break, we’ve put together a collection of holiday activities.
Let’s MakeMusic This Summer!
The traditional school year is nearly over and everyone is dreaming of the fun change of routine that summer brings.
Collaborative Composition in the Classroom
What can we create when we put the minds of many musicians together? At select trade shows over the past year, we invited you to participate in a special Collaborative Composition.
Creativity Workouts: Helping Students Build the Creative Muscles to Compose
“I couldn’t be a composer. I’m just not a creative person. It’s difficult to come up with good ideas!” Have you ever engaged in this kind of negative self-talk?
Start the Year on the Right Note with this Healthy Habit Tracker
Start the new year on the right notes with our free Healthy Habit Tracker worksheet! Have students choose habit ideas from the Music and Self-Care lists on the bottom of the worksheet (or come up with their own!) to list in the habit column of the spreadsheet.