Power your music programs

Support your music teachers, students, and families.

Integrations, budgeting, and classroom solutions, shown on a laptop.

Get more out of your budget

Discounted multi-year options and bundles are available.

Access approved titles and materials

Explore the titles in MakeMusic Cloud which appear on your state list, over 200 trusted method book selections, solos, small ensembles, and more in the expansive Music Catalog.

Parent teacher conference. Two people at a table having a discussion about student progress.

Involve parents and guardians

Cultivate more music education advocates by sharing student activity and progress with parents and guardians…automatically each week!

Empower your teachers to meet their goals

On-demand and live training sessions are available so your music faculty can learn best practices and other tips and tricks for success.

Stay up to date

Discover practical music tips, repertoire, and more delivered directly to you!